
Become a Service Provider

Email jphillips@trucleancm.com today to find out about how to become one of our vendors!


  • We can provide you with opportunities that are currently unavailable to you – most major companies have national service providers and do not deal with individual companies
  • You can define your coverage area – with our network simply give us a radius and that will be the area that you will receive work requests as they become available
  • You can get paid as early as 15 days from the invoice submission date
  • If work is performed in a timely manner and successfully completed a rating is established – as long as you keep a good rating, you will receive the first opportunity to perform the needed service
  • We have multiple companies that we service allowing for increased business for you
  • Taking care of the small jobs allows bidding on the large ones at your normal rates
  • We have the ability to get an answer to go forward on a project from a decision maker in a timely manner


  • You Must carry liability insurance with at least a $1 million dollar limit
  • You must be willing to provide quotes at no charge
  • You must be willing to work within a Not to Exceed amount or call for an approval to exceed said amount
  • You must be willing to supply a rough ETA and live within it
  • You must be willing to communicate, communicate , communicate – be available to discuss work and respond to us in a timely manner.
  • It is okay to say no – you will never harm the relationship by being honest

About us

TruClean Commercial Maintenance provides competitively priced, professional, maintenance/repair operations to a wide variety of commercial clients that have multiple locations throughout the US.